Getting Pre-Approved Before You List Your Home
Deciding to sell your home can be an exciting, albeit stressful, time. One way to take some of the pressure off is to get pre-approved for your next home purchase before you list. Why would this take the pressure off? Let’s explore the options this opens up for you:
You know exactly what you can afford.
Knowing what you can afford as you start looking at homes means you’re setting your expectations appropriately. You don’t want to look at a home that’s out of reach only to be disappointed later… or conversely omit homes from your search because you think you can’t afford it.
Your home may sell quicker than you thought.
There’s nothing more exciting than your home selling quickly, but then it can become a mad scramble to find a new home so you have somewhere to go! Knowing what you’re approved for ahead of time can take some of the stress out of the scramble, and allow you to make an offer with confidence.
You can always modify your approval.
Once your current home sells, you may find that your financial situation has changed. You can always talk to your loan officer about what has changed (perhaps a higher or lower down payment is available) and get your pre-approval updated. Additionally, your pre-approval will be contingent upon selling your home, so you have protections in place during your home shopping and negotiations.
Knowing what your budget is for your replacement home before you list your current one puts you in the driver’s seat. You know what you can afford, you’re ready to shop at a moment’s notice if necessary, and you know what your current home needs to sell for to give you the cash necessary to purchase your new home.
We offer full pre-approvals prior to finding your property – contact us today to get started!